Hi, you can call me SIGH

If what I am doing online is called blogging, then I can say I am someone who blogs, since 2010,  about personal style, fashion, travel and anything that I am inspired to share. 

The heart of this blog is about FASHION, which greatly emphasizes my PERSONAL STYLE and STYLE TIPS. 

And by the way, I am born and raised in the Philippines.

The Fashion / Life Mantra 

Fashion is sine qua non to personal style, as existentialism is essential to living life. If fashion is one form of freedom, then I must say, I have been somehow freed. And while being mortal: let's eat, travel, love and be loved, dress up and take time to sleep, for these are life's simplest yet greatest pleasures.

The above mantra is the brief and concise explanation of the title of this blog: 

The Fashion Personality and Personal Style

Again, why entitled this blog as I Dress-Up and Sleep?

The two words: dress-up and sleep sound contrasting.  Indeed, they are.  And I intended to adjoin them to provide an incisive idea on how my fashion personality and personal style reflects my own personality.

I am an ambivert: 60% extroverted and 40% introverted in the exact proportion of my personality.  The "dress-up" part of this title shows my outgoing soul and the "sleep" fraction links to my reserved persona.

When it comes to my fashion personality and personal style: "dress-up" connotes to my expressive and flamboyant preferences and "sleep" indicates my propensities with understated yet tasteful penchants.

The Personal Style Statement

A fashionable fusion of vintage and contemporary sophistication.

The Personal Style Advocacy

C - olor Coherence
L - ess and More
E - legant Experimentation
A - rt in Fashion
N - onchalant Chic

Visit my STYLE ADVOCACY page to know more about C.L.E.A.N Style advocacy.


For your fashion styling needs, partnerships, collaborations and work opportunities relating to fashion styling.merchandising, product/food reviews and travel/tourism promotions email me - sighstyles@gmail.com

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